Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Public and private Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public and private - Essay Example Women tend to suffer more economic and emotional Regression than a man. The reasons are manifold. Firstly, many of them were providing for their kids singlehandedly, with a little or no help from their former husbands. Secondly, gender bias also affects the availability of opportunities in job market. As a result most of them remained Underpaid and over burdened with increasing budget deficit. However, a small number of these women that Arendell called â€Å"a unique sub group† did not show similar desperation as majority of the others did. According to Rendell most of them had a substantial support system from either their parents or legal settlement of property or their marriage experience was so unbearably painful that even a sense of Liberation could make them sufficiently optimistic. (Arendell, 1986) Thus, the study discussed in the present article Shows that a divorced woman in America is largely a victim of socioeconomic deprivation and is surrounded by a strange fear o f unpredictable future. This together with the psychological pressure, Complexes and Dilemmas rob them off all capacities to see a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. Increasingly common phenomenon i.e. â€Å"divorce†. The women interviewed were all passing through a Phase where they experience painful surprises on every day basis. A situation where just cost cutting Does not help let alone maintaining the pre divorced standard of living. Another very significant Concept discussed was the plight of single parenting which has both financial and emotional Repercussions. The article also touched upon the gender inequality in work opportunities and the Amount of social downturn a woman experience as opposed to man, as Peterson discussed in his book â€Å"Women, Work and Divorce† and I quote ,† Divorced women, like other women continue to be at a disadvantage in labor market. The level of occupational

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