Friday, December 6, 2019
Effect of the Motivation Techniques for Workers and Application
Question: Discuss about theEffect of the Motivation Techniques for Workers and Application. Answer: Introduction The reviewed article speaks about the effect of motivation techniques used by managers to increase productivity of their workers. The results are based on a study, which is carried out on 229 employees working in weaving and fabric dying factories. The study is carried out in Cerkezkoy Organized Industrial Site. A relevant thesis statement that can be derived from this article is that motivation techniques applied by a manager has an effect on employee efficiency and productivity and this may be dependent on various demographic factors (Guclu Guney 2013). Based on the thesis statement, the article has various strengths and weaknesses. One of the strengths is that an actual study is carried out to determine the effects of motivation on workers, rather than just basing it on assumptions. Through the study, various conclusions can be drawn, as it is evident that motivation of employees is also determined by other factors apart from the kind of techniques that are used by the employer (Lazaroiu, 2015). Gender, level of education, income, marital status and job experience are factors, which can influence how employees feel about certain motivation techniques. Another strength is that motivation factors are assessed in term s of whether they are economic, psychosocial or organizational and managerial. This assists in giving a broader view of what kind of factors motivate employees most and lead to an increase in their efficiency and productivity. The weakness of the article is that the study is limited to a weaving and dyeing factory, which may give a limited perspective of motivation due to the nature of work and type of skills needed to carry out the work (Cunningham 2016). The study would have included different types of industries so that the factors, which influence motivation, can be more conclusive in terms of whether they are similar or slightly different based on industry. Importance of Motivation Motivation is a key factor that influences how employees in an organization perform hence managers should ensure they use the right motivational techniques. Motivation is important as the ability of any employee to work and their wiliness affect their efficiency. Motivation creates ability by providing an employee with the necessary training and skills needed in performing the task. It also creates the willingness needed to do work (Dobre 2013). All these lead to efficiency of an employee, which is then reflected in the performance of a department or an organization. In an organization, some employees have negative attitudes, which are passed on to their colleagues hence leading to poor performance and lack of efficiency. Motivation is key in such situations as it enables organizations to create positive attitudes among the workforce. Positive attitudes lead to enhanced teamwork hence overall efficiency and great organizational performance. An organization that has employees who are not motivated constantly suffers from high employee turnover (Gupta Shaw 2014). This is because employees keep looking for greener pastures so that they can leave. Work is greatly affected in such organizations as there are constant shortages and it leads to overworking of other employees. This leads to disgruntlement among the workforce. Such organizations spend a lot of time and money in recruiting employees and training. This wastage can only be cleared if the organization looks at motivation and ways in which it can retain its workforce through different techniques (Korzynski 2013). Motivated employees work for long periods in companies hence the problem of high turnover is eliminated. Such employees are also often willing to take on extra tasks hence a lot gets done and efficiency is maximized in the organization, leading to greater output levels (Asim 2013). Absenteeism is also reduced in such companies. Employees look forward to going to work and absenteeism cases are minima l. Organizations are constantly changing due to environmental factors. Effective change management can only occur where employees are motivated. Employees who are not motivated do not embrace change and instead seek to frustrate management efforts when a new change is to be implemented. Motivation leads to employees taking change initiatives positively and becoming change champions (Pandey 2014). Change occurs smoothly in such environments, as employees become the key drivers for change efforts. The main aim of motivation is to ensure that employees work willingly and fondly. This can only be achieved if manager listen to employees and come up with techniques that will have a positive effect on the employees. Managers can use different techniques to motivate employees so that they receive maximum efficiency. They must build trust with their employees. Trust is two therefore as managers trust employees to perform effectively; their employees also expect that their best interests be looked out for by their managers (Mathew Johnson 2015). The manager therefore has to ensure that trust is built and this can only be done through effective communication. Openness must be encouraged between managers and employees. Feedback should be a two way process. Managers should be able to provide honest feedback to their employees whether its positive or negative. In the same way, managers should be open to feedback from their employees. Open communication leads to positive working environme nts and motivated employees. This greatly enhances teamwork as employees communicate well and are willing to work with each other. In such environments, employee grievances and suggestions are listened to hence; it becomes easier for managers to apply the relevant motivation techniques. Managers should also make sure that they provide work that is meaningful and challenging to their employees. When staff feel that, the work that they do is important it makes a great difference in an organization (Baba 2017). Most employees just want to feel that they are part of the organization and that their roles are recognized. Employees mostly want to feel a sense of achievement, responsibility, enjoyment and recognition. Employees are also most likely to achieve when there is a possibility of career advancement ahead of them. Managers should therefore provide opportunities where employees are able to grow and gain skills from other departments. Employees get motivated when they know that their hard work is going to be repaid by a promotion or a bright future in terms of advancement in their careers. It is therefore important that managers train employees constantly and provide a working environment where there is freeness and fairness in terms of career growth. Validity of Thesis Statement of Article The Thesis statement of the article is agreeable because motivation factors used by managers do influence efficiency and productivity. However, demographic factors do not necessarily influence the type of motivation used. The study done on the Cerkezkoy Industrial Site is an indication that the demographic that influences motivation most is education. People who are more educated tend to have stronger opinion and are keener on the kind of motivation, which is used. People who are less educated tend to look at economic motivational factors more as their main aim is to get income to sustain their needs (Kaur 2013). The study also divides the motivational needs into economic, psychosocial and organizational, which reflects the types of motivation, which managers can use to motivate their employees so that they achieve efficiency. Economic factors include using factors involving money to motivate employees and these can be bonuses, pay rises or monetary rewards. This motivates employees to work efficiently as they know that at the end of the day they will benefit from various incentives. Organizational and managerial motivators are different and include factors within the company, which can be used in motivation (Mason 2017). The organization can use team building to build morale and enhance teamwork in the company hence leading to a positive environment, which will lead to employees feeling, motivated. Employees can also be allowed to learn skills in different departments so that they are all-rounded. This leads to motivation, as they will feel that the organization cares about them enough to do job rotation. Managers can also ensure that they are responsible for employees under them and constantly train and recognize them. This way, employees feel that their managers actually care and are motivated to work harder as they know that their efforts are recognized. Psychosocial motivation includes factors, which appeal to the psychological side of an employee. Employees want to feel appreciated and recognized at the work place. Such incentives include managers having programs like employee of the work schemes where different employees are recognized based on their work and efforts. Healthy competitions can also be put in place and the most productive employees rewarded. This leads to motivation as everyone works hard to achieve the reward. Conclusion Overall, the article shows us that motivation is a key factor that can bring out employee capabilities and skills. Once employees are motivated, they do their best to perform and through this, managers are able to identify the strengths of their employees. This leads to employee skills being maximized hence leading to efficiency. Through this, organizations are able to be efficient in processes hence leading to overall success that reflects in the bottom-line. It is therefore very important that managers use various techniques to motivate employees so that they achieve maximum benefit. References Asim, M., 2013. Impact of motivation on employee performance with effect of training: specific to education sector of Pakistan.International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,3(9), pp.1-9. Baba, A.I., 2017. EFFECTS OF MOTIVATION, WORKING CONDITIONS AND PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE.ASIAN JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES,5(8). Cunningham, A., 2016. What are the Key Drivers Used to Promote Employee Motivation and Engagement in a Manufacturing Environment?. 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